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  • Writer's pictureCeara

New Opportunities

I’ve traveled to different worlds, solved family mysteries, and even met a few companions along the way. Sounds like the start of a great adventure novel, right? Well, that’s actually what best describes my crazy month…sort of. See, I’ve taken on a lot of challenges this April and have learned so much! My month began with another author’s expo, but this one was massive, at least compared to what I’m used to. I met new friends and established better relationships with ones I already made. This event also solidified an important concept that was just budding in my mind. Writers need to stick together. I don’t just mean as friends, but also as colleagues. I received valuable information about how to promote and market my work and even after the event, I was still given advice! I may not have sold a lot of books at this event, but that didn’t matter to me, what mattered the most was the connections that I made.

As for the rest of my crazy month, I started adding book reviews to my YouTube channel…oh did I forget that I started one of those two? 😉 A while ago, I found book reviews in general to be a real help to an author, but for an author to do book reviews of their peer’s work, well that’s a double blessing right there! I found ways of making the videos creative by making my wardrobe and background scene match the setting of the book! Although I take my time reading books, I find the end result is so rewarding! Speaking of rewards, I decided to take up another project with my latest book and turn it into an audiobook (from the wonderful advice from another writer)! I put together an audition script and a young lady put in her audition a week later! That was the coolest thing ever, she did a great job and she is wonderful to work with. The release date for that will be in September of this year.

And in other unrelated writing news, I’ve been taking up my old hobby of researching family trees, for myself and for other people. But I find doing this type of research helps me with creating characters for future books, and it has certainly been helpful in the writing of my prequel to “Memories of Chronosalis” …which is now in the hands of my beta readers and I’m hoping to be released in January of 2019. So, all this to say, yes, it has been a crazy April, but I look forward to what adventures May has in store!

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